CJRLC Technology Group

Friday, April 30, 2010

CJRLC Technology Group - May 4, 2010 Meeting - Screencasting in the Cloud

The next meeting of the CJRLC Technology Group will take place on Tuesday, May 4, 2010 at the CJRLC offices in Freehold. The meeting will run from 3:00 to 5:00 PM. This will be our final meeting for the 2009-2010 year.

Our special presentation for this meeting is entitled "Screencasting in the Cloud." Screencasting is a method of creating tutorials combining web-based resources and vocal narration. There are suites of software that can be purchased and used to create dazzling screencasts. But what if you have little to no budget for your project and need to take advantage of free resources? David Lisa of the New Jersey State Library will guide us through a short workshop about screencasting and introduce us to three free, web-based screencasting tools, all of which are utilized through cloud computing. You will leave this mini-workshop presentation able to identify and use these resources. You'll be able to begin creating your own basic screencasts immediately!

We have our finger on the pulse of current technology! CJRLC Technology Group meetings are free and open to all attendees. Meet and network with other like-minded librarians from around the region. Bring your new tech ideas, discoveries and tips to share with other group members.

We hope you will join us! More information about how to get to CJRLC can be found at http://cjrlc.org/home/directions


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